Character Encoding

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Character Encoding

Although the user interface text is English-only, Content Grabber can extract data from websites in any language or encoding. If you have problems with the encoding of your data extraction, then the problem is most likely with your export target. For example, if you are exporting data to a MySQL database that uses Latin1 encoding, then you'll find a question mark in the place of each Unicode character.


In accordance with CSV specifications, CSV output files have ASCII encoding and do not support Unicode. However, if you're using a CSV import tool that can read CSV files with other character encodings, then you can specify the encoding when choosing the CSV export target.


MySQL Character Encoding

Many users install their MySQL databases with Latin1 character encoding and then encounter some characters appearing as question marks. If you want to export Unicode characters to a MySQL database, you'll need to use Unicode character encoding such as UTF-8. If you configure your MySQL database to use Unicode, you must also specify the encoding when configuring the Export Target for the agent.