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Content Grabber supports JSON, XML and HTML parsers, and also a full dynamic web browser. The web browser is based on Chromium and works in most aspects like a standard Chrome browser.
The parsers are much faster and more reliable than the web browser, but the web browser may be required on some very difficult web sites. To increase the performance of the web browser slightly, Flash and WebGL are always disabled by default, and images are only loaded at design time. You can change these default settings if required.
The Agent option Load Images can be set to one of the following values.
•While Designing and Debugging an Agent - Images are only loaded when editing and and debugging an agent in the Content grabber editor.
•Never - Images are never loaded.
•Always - Images are always loaded.
An agent can extract images even if images are not loaded in the web browser.
The Agent option Load Style Sheets can be set to one of the following values.
•While Designing and Debugging an Agent - Style sheets are only loaded when editing and and debugging an agent in the Content grabber editor.
•Never - Style sheets are never loaded.
•Always - Style sheets are always loaded.
The Agent option Load Flash at Run Time can be set to true to load flash at run time. To load flash at design time you must also set the Application option Load Flash at Design Time, and then restart the Content Grabber editor. Flash will only be loaded if NAPI is installed.
The Agent option Load WebGL at Run Time can be set to true to load WebGL at run time. To load WebGL at design time you must also set the Application option Load WebGL at Design Time, and then restart the Content Grabber editor. WebGL will only be loaded if your CPU.