Script Library


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Script Library

Content Grabber provides a default procedure for developing scripts in Visual Studio. The build-in script editor in Content Grabber does not provide advanced development tools such as a debugger, so we recommend you build large scripts in Visual Studio and smaller scripts in the built-in script editor.


When you add a script in Content Grabber, you can select to use a script library. The script library is a normal .NET class library that contains classes and methods for all types of scripts in Content Grabber. When using a Script Library, Content Grabber will automatically call the specific methods in the .NET class library.




Agent or Shared Script Library

Content Grabber supports two types of script libraries, a script library that is shared between all agents in your Content Grabber document folder, and a script library that is used only for a specific agent.


The shared script library assembly must be placed in the folder Content Grabber\Assemblies and the script library is shared by all agents located in Content Grabber\Agents. The Content Grabber folder can be located anywhere, but by default it's located in My Documents\Content Grabber.


The agent script library assembly must be placed in the Assemblies sub-folder of an agent folder.


Visual Studio Solution Template

Content Grabber provides a Visual Studio 2013+ solution with a project that contains all the required classes and methods for a default script library. When you click the button Open Project in C# or Open Project in Vb.NET, Content Grabber will automatically copy the solution and projects to your agent's Visual Studio folder or to the shared Visual Studio folder if you are using a shared script library. The Visual Studio solution also contains a test project you can use to test the functionality in your script library.


When you build the Visual Studio solution in release mode, the script library assembly is automatically copied to the right location so it's picked up by Content Grabber when you run an agent. When Content Grabber loads the script library it will become locked and you will need to close Content Grabber before you can build the library in release mode. The debug version of the library is not locked by Content Grabber, because it's not copied to any of the Content Grabber Assemblies folders, and will not be used by your agents by default.